Much has changed since Ardingly College was founded nearly 170 years go by leading philanthropist, the Reverend Nathanial Woodard. Today, we seek to express the Christian values of our foundation in a way that is meaningful to students of all faiths and none.
What this means in practice is that all students are expected to attend Chapel weekly for a broadly Christian service. This service alternates between Holy Communion and non-communion services.
As well as giving moral, Christian-based teaching, the Chapel services are a time of communal gathering, enabling staff and students to develop a sense of the spiritual at a level and in a manner that they are happy to engage at.
Our Chaplain
Our Chaplain is the Reverend Andy Nicholson – universally referred to as ‘Rev Andy’. His role is to be available for the whole community – students, staff and parents – in developing spirituality and Christian growth wherever they may be on that journey.
Below is Rev Andy, dressed as a candle, as his way of bringing the magic of the Christingle service to life for our Prep pupils!