On Wednesday 14th June the 5th and U6 students celebrated completion of their GCSE and A Level courses with their final Art/Photography Exhibition in the Senior Gallery and Studios.
The sunny event saw record attendance, with parents and friends flocking to admire the two year portfolios displayed in the art rooms. Some families made special flights in to congratulate the artists and a lively buzz of conversation continued throughout the entire event, helped along by drinks and refreshments.
A genuine interest abounded, with sketchbooks explored – helping audience members appreciate the complexities of the Art and Photography syllabus and how students need to delve and explore their ideas before their final pieces come to fruition. We have many moving onto art/architecture courses at Camberwell and Sheffield and many fifth taking art-related 6th form courses next academic year.
We are very proud of the entire cohort and trust the creativity they found with us will stay with them all into their futures.