Years 7 and 8 put on an amazing performance of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang earlier this month! A huge congratulations to them all on a ‘truly scrumptious’ production. The cast brought the characters to life wonderfully, from the eccentricity of Grandpa Potts and the charm of the inventive Caractacus Potts to the elegance of the sophisticated Truly Scrumptious, the bumbling humor of the spies, the absurdity of Baron and Baroness Bomburst, and the chilling menace of the Child Catcher.
In addition to the outstanding singing and acting on stage by all cast members, it was fantastic to see so many students getting involved behind the scenes, working on stage management, lighting, and the technical aspects of the production. They even had a marketing team who produced a regular ‘Chitty Chat’ to keep everyone updated on the show’s progress (click here to see an example). Well done, everyone, on a really memorable production!
My Experience in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Archie J (Year 7)
My experience in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was very exciting and enjoyable because I love Drama and I got to interact with many of my friends and act out many characters. Even though there were some ups and downs, we got there in the end and we put on an amazing show, so it was all totally worth it.
When it comes to the day of the show, normally I get very nervous but when you’re on stage, it’s really not bad and it becomes a fun and really memorable experience. Plus, in our dress rehearsal the car broke and I thought that was a disaster but thank goodness the amazing staff fixed it!
My role in the production was as part of the ensemble, but I also had a side part as a soldier. One of my favourite moments was when, as a soldier, I had to run onto the stage and collapse onto the ground panting, trying to get air like my life depended on it. I definitely got a few laughs from this, which was great fun!
I really enjoyed being part of this incredible production and am so pleased to have been given this fantastic opportunity.
My Experience in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Sophia V (Year 7)
This was an amazing experience. I got to be on stage and see what happens backstage! Although the rehearsals were quite stressful at times it was all worth it in the end. Here is the experience in more detail.
Rehearsals and before the show
We had many rehearsals during school and weekends to prepare for the show. Every rehearsal was important as they all fit the show together! Our weekend rehearsals were from 10:00-16:00. We also had some after school rehearsals on Wednesday, sometimes from 18:00-19:30. Then, we had school rehearsals during EP on Monday and Thursday. We put a lot of effort into the production, but it was totally worth it and the production turned out way better than I imagined it would.
On stage and show night
On opening night everyone was so excited for our parents to see the production. Then on the last show we were all sad because this was the last time we would do Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Being on stage felt amazing! All the lights and staging made it feel like we were really in the 1940s. All the costume and props made it feel real.
Overall, I really loved being in this production and would definitely do it again. Every bit of stress and worry was completely worth it in the end. I would highly recommend being in the next Drama production.